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Training and Consulting

Contact Sus for more information or if you are interested in attending a workshop, hosting a training, or having a consultation.

Inclusive Care for Queer Families Workshop

Sus will walk you through the basics of inclusive reproductive language and care and why it's important for midwifery/birthwork and the families that we serve. Midwives  are already trained in providing individualized care; inclusive care asks us to question our inherited stories and language about pregnant people. Participants will be lead through opportunities to open some of the closed doors we may have in ourselves and practices, and allow us to invite a more broad human experience to midwifery. 


Birth Assistant Training

Join Sus and Melinda for an afternoon of hands-on learning.  We cover ethics, role of the assistant, on call life, terminaology, skills, charting and an introductions to common birth emergnencies.

Next workshop coming Summer 2024

follow on instagram for the latest offerings

Consulting, Speaking, and Individualized Training

Whether you are an individual or an organization, Sus can help walk you through the tangible steps and support you to uncover the deeper embodied biases as you make your practice more inclusive and affirming to the queer and trans community.  This can be a follow up to the inclusive care training or an individualized session or series.

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